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Gear VR Compatibility

edited 5:59AM in Suggestions
Any chance this is at all compatible?
I'm planning on trying out Trinus with my Gear VR when it comes in. 
Which essentially allows users to view the content of your pc from your Gear VR. 


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited December 2015
    We haven't done anything in regards to VR yet, but will in the future. Afaik, Unity supports all VR devices and it makes no difference from a development point of view.

    This may happen for the next cycle. Or rather, I want to make this happen for the next cycle but you never know how things turn out.
  • edited 5:59AM
    Seconding VR support. I have a Gear VR as well and tried it out on CHT when they still had support for it. Would be a neat feature to carry forward with all future releases. 
  • edited 5:59AM
    Just to give an update, I _did_ try out VR with my cardboard rift although there are a lot of tweaks and workarounds required.

    Yiffalicious will run in VR if you use a 3rd party direct-x manipulator and some other tools. I used TriniusVR (for the cardboard rift) combined with Tridef 3d ignition, which has a 14 day free trial, and autohotkey to map two keystrokes to toggle holding rightmouse for pitch and yaw (that way moving the headset moves the view in the game, instead of using your mouse).

    It's really really basic and typical POV scenes "sorta" work, but what i've found works even better is taking a scene with 2-3 actors and adding another actor using just their head to act as a VR camera with his POV. Neat stuff!
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