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Character "sinking"

edited 5:22AM in Issues
Don't know if this is just me, but after the update, it looks like the characters "sink" downward during an interaction. Like a female laying on a table on her back, during sex, she will slowly sink into the table, and I have to keep correcting it.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 5:22AM
    During editing or during a normal play?

    I'll investigate this.

    Thanks for sharing.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 5:22AM
    This issue is fixed and will be made available in 0.4.3.

    Thanks again.
  • edited 5:22AM
    Cool man, thanks :3 and yeah, if you press play/Stop repeatedly it happens.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited December 2015
    You can download a fix here:

    Just replace the current Assembly-CSharp.dll in the yiffalicious data folder.
  • edited 5:22AM
    Awesome thanks dude :3
  • edited 5:22AM
    Still seems to be happening.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited December 2015
    That's odd. This bug fix worked for me and for another user.

    Basically the bug was that the force offset was being saved into the pose. That shouldn't happen anymore. You can verify this by creating an interaction where there's force present, and stop the animation when the offset is most prevalent (at full penetration). If the offset is still there when stopped, then you haven't applied the patch. If the offset isn't there, then the patch is working.

    Can you please verify this? If the force offset is working properly (not saved into pose), but you're still seeing sinking, then I'm not sure what it could be.

    Please verify the scenario above and get back to me.
  • edited 5:22AM
    The offset looks to still be there, the dot/anchor in the center of the female character is WAY offset when editing, and then when I hit play.stop, it corrects itself making the characters move to wherever the center anchor is.

    I put the file you gave into the yiffalicious folder, and replaced the one already there.
  • edited 5:22AM
    Ah, never mind, I guess I just didn't put the file in the right folder, now it works.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 5:22AM
    Ok, glad it got sorted.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 5:22AM
    I added another change that will make the correction be instantaneous regarding how a character is moved back to its original position in edit mode. Will be part of the 0.4.3 release.
  • edited 5:22AM
    Cool man!
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