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Khanas Rotation Sphere

This might sound a little knit-picky: whenever I spawn Khana, her rotation axis is slanted.  Whenever I spawn the other models, theirs are straight, but hers starts off a little slanted.  Is there any way to fix this?


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:14PM
    Slanted how? Leaning backwards?
  • Are you sure you didn't changed her axis to local? You can manage that by pressing x.
  • edited 11:14PM
    ok, sorry, I did figure out the problem. MisterBangYourSister's answer fixed it.

    @odes I was going to say the axis kept restarting itself after I'm finished rotating her.  
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:14PM
    Ok I'm retarded. Didn't understand what you meant at first but now I see now you meant the transformation gizmos.

    Glad it got sorted.
  • edited 11:14PM
    @odes But while we're here, there is a problem that's been bugging me: in the restaurant and bar level, I'll set up my interaction sitting in one of the chairs in the lobby area.  But when I'm finished testing it, for some reason my models would sink lower into the chair.  Is this a bug?
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:14PM
    Yeah it's a bug. You can download a quick fix here:

    Just replace the current Assembly-CSharp.dll in the yiffalicious data folder.
  • edited December 2015
    @odes ok thanks it works a lot better now
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