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situational transistions

so, this was just something I had been thinking of, but would a system be possible, in which a snapshot could be made to transition to another snapshot when a some selected condition is met? Kinda like the timed transistions that are currenlty in place, but instead of it going like "After X seconds, transition to snapshot Y", it could, for example be set to "When distance between between penetrator and penetratee reaches value X, transition to Snapshot Y".

Just thought that something like this could offer some more elegant transitions in interactions.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 8:07AM
    That's a pretty good idea. Thanks for sharing!

    Of course it can be done - it's just programming. :) Perhaps a combination of rules could be used. For example:

    • At least 2 seconds must have passed
    • The depth must be at 0.5

    We'll add it to our todo.

    Thanks again for sharing.

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