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Cloud Instability?

edited December 2015 in Issues

Lately, I'm having trouble connecting with the cloud service.

I never had this problem before...

I did everything described in this guide:

I don't use a proxy and my firewall isn't blocking Yiffalicious.
I never really used Google DNS, but, to test it out, I've set it up like that and it still won't work.

Here's a weird message box I got just as I booted the game up, after changing the DNS:

But I only got this one time, after rebooting the game it simply told me it couldn't connect to the host.
It may also ask me my Patreon e-mail, but fails to process the request.

I've also tried some of the stuff described in these threads:

But none of them really helped...

Accessing that "divine-surface" link Odes posted may also work at first or not load at all.
Seeing this, and the fact that it was said it's all in the same server, I tried to load the link in a browser and then, ingame, tried to check out the yiffcloud, but both failed. After a while, I tried to check the cloud ingame and it worked, so, I went and loaded the link again in my browser and both worked...     Also, when it's down, I can't ping it either.

Could it be some sort of instability on your end?


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 5:23AM
    Thanks for the excellent report and effort.

    I'm on my phone so I can't check this out right now. Tomorrow my schedule is packed. But I will as soon as I can.

    I checked out the server console and couldn't detect any errors. The service is hosted by Google, and there are no documented incidents according to them this past time. Not sure what more I can do atm. :/
  • edited December 2015
    Mmm, then it's something on my end, which's weird, because I had no problems until now...

    Looks like it's indeed related to DNS, because right after I "flushed" it, pinging '' worked alright and I have access to yiffcloud too. I'm trying OpenDNS now.

    Welp, I'll keep testing things out.

    Thanks for your attention!
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