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edited 5:19AM in Suggestions
I'm wondering if you have any plans for localization.
If you do, please consider making it community translatable, like a plain text or XML file with all the strings inside it, one file for language.
I know it's early for thinking about this, but I know by experience that implementing multiple languages on a project is way better and easier if done early.
Also, I would like to translate Yiffalicious to Spanish myself.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited January 2016
    This won't be done, for 3 reasons:

    1. Snapshots / text dialogue (future feature) are in English, and as they're user authored they can't be localized. Having the app in another language would encourage language-specific text, but we want everything to be in English. Having the app in English discourages users from writing localized text in interactions.

    2. Words have different length in different languages. UI elements might end up taking to much or too little space depending on language. Focusing on English side-steps that entirely.

    3. Furries are usually teenagers or young adults. Mostly old people of some countries don't understand English, but most young people nowadays can read English just fine thanks to the internet. What's more - I think furries are more tech-savvy and nerdy than most other people, which means they're also better at English than average. It doesn't really make sense to invest time into localization when 95% (probably more) can understand English. Furthermore, it would just divide the community.

    If our userbase was older we might have considered it.

  • edited 5:19AM
    I understand your position is strong, but as you have been kind enough to answer so thoroughly, I hope you don't mind if I give you another angle at your reasons:
    1. Didn't think text dialogue was so important to Yiffalicious.
    2. This is commonplace in translated apps, and it's the translator job to make the text fit.
    3. Southern Europe countries, thanks in part to the prevalence of dubbed movies, have a terrible English level. And I'm not talking about old or young, it's almost the same in both cases.
    But most important is that the idea is not to divide the community, but open it to people that would not enter it because of the language barrier.
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