Hey there!
Really enjoying the Cat, she's a cutie patootie! Nice job!
But, I noticed something while posing characters around: That "precision mode" we had while holding down the Shift key and draggin' limbs/characters around is gone!
Oh, and while experimenting with the Cat, testing out a not-so-extreme pose, her shoulders began to act up:
http://i.imgur.com/wp2ltNx.pngI just wanted her to be holding one of her buttocks, so I pulled her right arm back a bit...
http://i.imgur.com/lN0I8Yt.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/IJW6EOq.pngMaybe a bit of a nitpick, but, I think the clickable lines in the 3D rotation Gizmo could be a *bit* thicker. I'm still getting used to the new one, and it's definetely a step forward from the first one, but, it's kind of hard to click and hold those thin lines sometimes.
Thanks a lot for the update, guys!
Cannot comment on the precision mode not being there. haven't had enough time to play around yet.
I did notice that with the new two-dimensional translation controls and the new rotation control that sometimes the controls can be a bit difficult to grab, depending on the camera angle.