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Position Shifting, Snapshot Updates, Detatchment

edited 6:40AM in Suggestions
Some how adding a new part of a snapshot, or an improvement to the snapshot that allows you to include the skeleton in the settings, even if it's rough and raw at first, allowing the ability to use snapshots to motion tween into another position would be awesome.

An update to snapshot usability would be wonderful. I find it frustrating to try and edit an intermediate snapshot position. The ability to easily jump into and be confident of what snapshot I'm editing would be great, as well as an option to change subsequent snapshot sliders at once. I cant tell you how many times I have had to delete and remake snap shots because I forgot an inflation slider, or changed my mind on one... actually I can. 3 times. Not a crime, but still.

The last part of Detachment I simply mean an extension of the "distance" slider where fully "pulled out" puts some space between the member and orifice, allowing for some better arcing cum-shots to finish on.


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