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About 0.5.2 at itch

odesodes Administrator
edited April 2016 in Announcements
Because of a couple of issues in 0.5.2, we've decided to postpone the itch release until 0.5.2b is deployed. ETA is a day or two.


  • edited 11:30AM
    Have any fixes for VR been implemented since the last itch release?

    I'd love to continue to support but even with the workaround my game would instantly freeze and crash whenever I tried to load a scene in VR.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:30AM
    Yes, VR has been stabilized in this build. 
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:30AM
    The build is now out, and free download keys have been emailed to those who purchased March WIP in April.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:30AM
    I'm not 100% certain if the bulk email thing worked or not. So if you bought Yiffalicious March WIP in April, but didn't receive an email, let me know.
  • edited 11:30AM
    I just bought the March WIP, and started it up, put in the key and said it was invalid. Does it take a while for the key to be activated?
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:30AM
    You mean April WIP, right?

    And try again, I had forgot to import the keys onto server. It should work now.
  • edited April 2016
    No, the march one. when i looked at it, cant be more then 10 minutes before i posted that, it said Yiffalicious March 2016 WIPs. It seems to be gone now :neutral: 

    EDIT: just say on my paypal account it says April WIP. But still, the key is still invalid.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:30AM
    Either way, does it work now?
  • edited 11:30AM
    It does not.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:30AM
    There's something funky, I'm investigating. Pardon the delay.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:30AM
    Pardon the error, please try again.
  • edited 11:30AM
    It worked now, thank you :smiley: 
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