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Interaction upload problem

edited 11:07PM in Issues
After properly tagging an interaction for submission, it hasn't appeared for a couple days.  Upon attempt to upload again, it says the hash already exists.
This problem has happened before, but by renaming the interaction and reuploading it worked, but after trying twice this particular interaction simply does not want to be seen by others, which is a shame, while not my best work I tried touching on some kinks that aren't seen much.

If there's an issue with a pose, or an issue with tags, it would be nice to give a message to the uploader about it.  I had one of mine removed previously, I now know why, but at the time I hadn't guessed it and was planning on using the same tags again. It also might not be a bad idea to auto-tag submissions with the submitters name and additionally the name of original uploader if it is a derivative of an already existing interaction.  For example I currently have a derived submission with 11 votes, but no way to thank the original uploader, seeing as all I did was mess around with IK physics, facial expressions and make it longer I would have liked the real credit go to them.

At any rate, attached is a photo of the interaction House Party so I can hopefully learn what's wrong with it and why it isn't appearing properly, and how to avoid the same issue with future submissions.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:07PM
    Hot sorting was recently changed, filtering away interactions according to certain parameters.

    Have you tried sorting by "newest"? Or have you tried searching using the author:"username" functionality?
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