Agreed. As an addition, having control of the neck node in the editor as a rotation. Having the ability to lock the head or neck in one general area as a function of the key is also convenient for manipulating the body under force.
Not sure if it's exactly what you're asking for, but it seems like this would be covered under the 'custom look at' tagged to be done during the 0.6.0 cycle.
The custom look at it just to direct the face towards something of interest. just as Usicco said.
the function that we are eager for is a slider to adjust the head rotation on the x axis (left to right) just as it already has one on the z/y axis (up and down).
It helps when posing them to mush more realistic way
the function that we are eager for is a slider to adjust the head rotation on the x axis (left to right) just as it already has one on the z/y axis (up and down).
It helps when posing them to mush more realistic way