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Horse and Rhino penises blacked out 0.2.3

edited 5:31PM in Issues
I just tried out the new build (32-bit 0.2.2), and it seems that both male characters' penises have become perfectly black, no refraction of light or texture to speak of. Certain objects of the environment (i.e. a door frame in the Locker Room level) are also visible THROUGH the penis. Could this possibly be a computer performance issue?


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 5:31PM
    It could be! What are your computer's specifications? CPU, GPU and memory.
  • edited 5:31PM
    Processor 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Memory 2 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    Graphics Nvidia GeForce 320M 256 MB

    I suppose now would be a good time to confess that I'm running it on a mac with wine...
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 5:31PM
    That's quite and old setup. And sorry, Yiffalicious is not officially supported on Mac.

    I think that setup might work at low framerates on bootcamp. It's quite an old CPU and Yiffalicious is quite CPU heavy.
  • edited 5:31PM
    Everything seemed to work fine with the last free build (1F). What would have changed to cause the horse's penis to appear normally on 1F but be blocked out in 2.3?
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 5:31PM
    Not sure. It's built with a newer version of Unity. Perhaps these builds don't work so well in wine? Or maybe it's something different. It's really hard to know. Either way, we're not officially supporting Mac right now. If you manage to reproduce this on windows, let us know.
  • edited 5:31PM
    Well, thank you for trying to help out.
    In the meantime, if anyone else runs off of Wine, I did find that turning off the DX11 tessellation does bring back the penises; obviously there's a slight drop in polygon quality, but you win some you lose some.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited July 2015
    Interesting. You had tessellation on in the previous build and it worked in wine?

    Do you have to mess with the tessellation setting each time you start the app for penises to display correctly?
  • edited 5:31PM
    Yes, it was on whenever I ran the previous build. As you yourself mentioned in the past, the horse penis was just oddly shiny in 1f.
    And no, I don't have to adjust the settings each time I run 2.3. I set it to off and the setting is saved. So opening the program and loading a new character, whether the horse or the rhino, the penis appears normally.
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