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Better Camera Controls

edited 11:18AM in Suggestions
At the moment, the pivot point for the camera is rarely where I want it to be and I honestly feel like this could be an easy fix.

How about something like this.
When you hold the mouse left-button you can look around like a first person fps.  At this moment you're raytracing to the middle of the screen.  When the ray hits a character those 3D coordinates become your pivot point for when you right click. If it doesn't hit a character then you keep the depth of the ray trace, but modify the x and y.

Right-click pivots just like how it is now.

Either way, getting the camera to behave the way I want it to so far hasn't been the best experience, and I'd like some change there if at all possible.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:18AM
    TheUnsaid said: At the moment, the pivot point for the camera is rarely where I want it to be and I honestly feel like this could be an easy fix.
    The pivot point [when loading an interaction] is where the author placed it. If you want to move it, press Mouse 3 (middle mouse) or Ctrl + Mouse 2 (right mouse).
  • edited June 2016
    I know about Ctrl+Mouse 2. It's just not what I was really hoping for.  You mostly just pan with that. The pivot point's depth is the same, unless you turn to the side and then pan left or something. Also the panning isn't really what I meant by first-person fps. I meant like mouse look. mouse-x - mousexprevious makes you look left or right kinda thing...

    It's really only a small complaint, but the way I see it, when I'm looking at something, I'm looking directly at it, not at some space in front of it. Having the pivot point be decided by raytracing into a collision with one of the characters to me is one of the best ways to be able to have good control over the camera in 3D space. I don't want to pressure you into doing something you don't want to especially when you have so much on your plate though.

    It's just a minor want, but I'd appreciate it very much if you could at least take a look at the idea. You might like it more than you think.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:18AM
    Ctrl + Mouse 2 (click, not hold) does raytrace and change pivot point. :/
  • edited 11:18AM
    Eh. Really? Now I feel pretty dumb.
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