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The adding character to another character feature needs fixed

edited 5:22AM in Issues
Whenever the second character gets added to have his cock in the first character's ass, the second character keeps appearing upside down and there's no way of rotating the second character to have the second character stand with the first one.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 5:22AM
    Use the purple anchor to control his orientation (the one with purple line, not the other one), and use the transform sliders to control angle.
  • edited 5:22AM
    When using the purple anchor with the purple line, I barely can get the second character to stand because of how far I have to move the arrow box to turn the second character around to have it stand with the first character. Plus, when selecting the purple anchor on the second character, the rotate option isn't able to be used.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 5:22AM
    I think you should check out the tutorial if you haven't already:
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