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[Fanart] Goddess of the Beach: Giraffe

edited August 2016 in General discussion
I'm not sure where to put this because it seems no one else has ever drawn Yiffalicious fan art (?!), but:

You can find this and the nekked version on:
- Inkbunny (clothed · nude)
- Tumblr


  • edited 4:12PM
    Nice  B)
  • edited 4:12PM
    If you want some critique, I think her thighs/upper legs are a bit too short/small, even for a foreshortening effect.  
  • edited 4:12PM
    @usicco Thanks! =D

    @lovalicious I appreciate the feedback!

    While the character in Yiffalicious uses more or less human leg proportions (likely for globally compatible animations & calculations), I find this to look very unbalanced and surreal - when I draw bestial legs, most notably hooved legs, I intentionally make the thighs shorter and the feet longer, because I think the character's better able to stand with this proportion.

    Whether this is the right idea or not it doesn't necessarily mean I didn't screw it up, though - I accept that I can always improve the proportioning, and I'll keep experimenting with it in future images of hooved critters

    This image was primarily an exercise in drawing a very different face from what I usually work with (i.e. anime / Sonic faces without considerable noses) and I suppose I didn't put enough into picking a leg-friendly pose. : (
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 4:12PM
    Nice drawing FibS. :) So sexy! Giraffe 4 Life.

  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 4:12PM
    I see that you raised some criticism where you uploaded the posts. If you could be more detailed in how we could improve our models, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • edited 4:12PM
    @odes It's been some time since I've actually run the program, so I don't know if the models have been updated since then. I may make a separate topic on the matter if I run Yiffalicious again and notice any persistent model errors

    I'm not a Patron though, so I won't be seeing the latest versions & fixes
  • edited 4:12PM
    I've posted a new topic with my concerns.
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