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Launching the new cloud

odesodes Administrator
edited 12:51PM in Announcements
We're deploying the new backend for the updated cloud service. This will most likely break some things. If you run into any trouble, please reply here.

Some things to note

* You will have to log out and log back in to be able to vote and upload
* Some interactions may be missing (newest ones, you may have to reupload)
* Updated interactions (newer ones) may be missing, you may have to reupload
* Some votes may be missing (newest), you may have to revote
* The new cloud backend does not mean current builds of the game will get the new interface (that comes in 0.6.1)

Other than that, once the new cloud gets all potential bugs and quirks fixed, it should work far better than before (especially when it comes to query times).

Let us know how it works out!


  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited 12:51PM
    every time you launch the game there is an error due to some of the data changes, logging out and back in fixes this too.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:51PM
    What error do you get?
  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited 12:51PM
    it was a very generic error:

    i figured out it was due to the server responding with the session expired error, so i logged out and back in
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:51PM
    Ok, thanks for sharing that. The error should no longer be produced, but you will still have to log out and log back in to vote and upload.
  • edited September 2016
    Um,I am the Free version Player,but After i Accidently click Wip version player Post,The Game only Keep Loading,Cant Do Anything.

  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:51PM
    HuntressGammerz said: Um,I am the Free version Player,but After i Accidently click Wip version player Post,The Game only Keep Loading,Cant Do Anything.
    Thanks for pointing this bug out. These interactions shouldn't show up anymore.

    You will have to restart the game if that error message appears.
  • edited 12:51PM
    Well the new cloud definitely feels faster.

    It's too bad there's still a page limit in the game though.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:51PM
    Shouldn't be one anymore. You can browse through all available interactions.
  • edited 12:51PM
    odes said: Shouldn't be one anymore. You can browse through all available interactions.
    Cool. Maybe it was just a random error yesterday.

    Anyways, now all you need is page numbers somewhere.  Next Page and Prev Page aren't really good enough XD, but yeah. This makes life much better.
  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited 12:51PM
    TheUnsaid said: now all you need is page numbers somewhere

    The new UI (in 0.6.1) has this.
  • edited 12:51PM
    Oh darn. Well I'll get it eventually...
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