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Page Jumping

The new page system that gives us details on how many pages there are and everything is absolutely fantastic, and I really appreciate you guys adding it.

It's a little too bad we can't skip to X number page though.  I hope that's something you guys are considering adding :smile: 


  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited 5:10AM
    i agree this could be useful too, although I could see how it would potentially be confusing too.

    since the results are returned in pages of 12 items at the time of the query being run, a new row in the db would shift all the items, making it kinda tricky to predict where any given interaction would sit in terms of pages.

    if you're using pages to browse through interactions and pick up where you left off you could be quite off of from where you were depending on how active the community has been since you last looked.

    losing your place aside, something like this would be helpful for people who like to browse:

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