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VR Forcibly Enabled

edited 5:32AM in Issues
I've got a Vive, so I was pretty pumped to hear you're working on support for it. I'll definitely dig into it later to check out how certain things work in it and give feedback where possible.

That said, I've found that the app automatically opens itself in VR mode as long as the Vive is present (hell, perhaps as long as SteamVR is present). That, combined with the lack of internal settings relating to VR, means I can't actually use this program without VR now. Or at least, not without a drastically reduced resolution/quality in order to match the VR screen reprojection.

Maybe I'm missing something obvious though; is there a way to turn of VR mode?


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 5:32AM
    I think Unity launches in VR mode when a VR device is connected. If you don't want that, you'll probably need to turn off the VR device. I'm not sure how Vive works since I don't have one yet (but will be getting one very soon), but on Oculus there's a on/off switch on the device. If Vive doesn't have such then I guess you'll have to disable it in the Vive interface.
  • edited 5:32AM
    IIRC you can quit steamvr and leave everything plugged in if you want to modify scenes etc as if you were in the desktop version and then just fire steamvr back up when you want to do actual vive stuff.
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