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Species Poll, Phase 2 results!

DogsonDogson Administrator
edited 12:25PM in Announcements

Ok folks! Here are the final results of the poll, after filtering away duplicate responses by ip.

The really interesting part is that there really was no obvious winner during the vote. It was like this really exciting contest, where options would pass each other constantly. We really enjoyed following the progress! We hope you felt the same way. For the past 24 hours though, the results have not changed, especially not when doing the ip-filtering, so we have decided to proceed to the next step.

Another interesting thing to point out is that the male fox femboy did really well, despite being fairly low in the first poll. So that shows while he was not perhaps the first choice for a lot of people, a lot of you wouldn’t mind having him in the game. Same goes for a lot of other choices, such as Fox Hourglass and Dragon Athletic etc. But for now, it looks like the athletic male wolf and the petite domestic cat female were the two most popular choices - just like in the first poll.

We hope you have enjoyed these polls just as much as we have. We think this whole thing was a huge success, and we’d be happy to host more polls in the future.

Thank you all for your participation!


  • edited 12:25PM
    Just out of curiosity, will we see the other characters listed, even if they're of the same species?
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:25PM
    Only the winners of the poll are being implemented right now. But we will keep adding new species all the time.
  • edited 12:25PM
    Awesome, just wanted to check! Keep up the amazing work, guys!
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