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Introducing myself.

Hey there! My name is Pandamonium and I love this program. I spent many months isolated on a farm and it was one of my few forms on entertainment. Not having the internet, I had to learn to make my own animations and consider myself fairly adept at using the program and creating smooth animations. Around november I made my own futa/herm work around where a male placed inside an object acts as a penis for another female character. Kinda neat to see that soon it wont be needed, but I still had fun making it. I was really happy to see one of my animations I uploaded had gotten several likes, I put a lot of time into all of my animations and try to have all of the characters emote and react in a sexy way. Anyway I just wanted to get to know some other animators and see where that goes. I like the program and can't wait to learn more about how to better manipulate these epic digital sex puppets. :smile: 


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