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Illinir's Breast Expansion slider breaks certain effects

edited 2:05AM in Issues
See images here:

Basically, if the Breast Expansion slider is more than 0.25 to either side it seems to break whatever that dark shader effect is as well as the physical texture effect. You can see it most clearly when you use the wetness slider.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 2:05AM
    What version is this? I can't seem to reproduce it in 0.7.0 or 0.6.4.
  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited February 2017
    judging by the dark shadows, this looks like 0.7.0, assuming the GIF below shows the same issue issue, i can reproduce in the latest build when Translucency is enabled (any of the 3 states results in this)

  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 2:05AM
    Thanks for pointing this issue out. Fixed for next release.
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