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[Giraffe/Maya] Blue Tricolor

edited April 2017 in Custom skins

Giraffe Maya Blue Tricolor:
Because there aren't many Maya skins I decided to make one in my spare time. I had a lot of fun making this one. The colors really pop out while still keeping the giraffe texture intact. I only wished we could change the color of the hair. That would make this skin a lot better. Oh well. Enjoy!

Download here:!WQpiiDQR!FkuQjZKoqCW8Qazawz9ox_0XS6T6iLcuwyQsZ0EwPmo

Programs used:
Substance Painter
Jei3's Skin Manager

Current version : 1.0


  • edited 8:14AM
    This is pretty nice. Makes Maya look aquatic/mermaid like. It'd be nice if we could change her hair color like Illnir and Charlotte. Pink or light blue hair would go well with this.
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