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YL2 hand transform (open,closed etc)

edited 3:37AM in Suggestions
I kinda assume that this is already planned for YL2, but one of the more common annoyances I have at the moment when creating scenes is the complete lack of control over the characters fingers positions. It just looks so darn weird sometimes when you want a character to grab something and their hand isn't even close to look like they're grabbing anything.

I realise that individual finger control is pretty much overkill, but it would be nice to have a few "expressions" be given to the hands. Such as an open palm, closed fist or even "the horns" (for metal furry sessions).

Something like this is probably in the pipeline but I felt like I should speak my mind anyhow.


  • edited 3:37AM
    The closest thing that I remember being talked about by the devs is dynamic moving fingers for hand-jobs, though they may also have plans for overall hand posing as well.

    Having fully pose-able fingers is definitely possible if you look at a game like Garry's Mod, which lets you move each individual part of each finger on every character. Though you may be right in that being slightly overkill. Hand presets for various different situations could work very well I would imagine (Peace sign, middle finger, pointing, etc.) Though maybe the option for both would work as well (fully pose-able fingers with multiple presets for those that are lazy).

    I'm sure they have plenty of ideas in store for YL2.
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