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Holding Shift for smoother dragging/posing, and a couple more things

edited 10:59PM in Issues
Hey there!
Really enjoying the Cat, she's a cutie patootie! Nice job!
But, I noticed something while posing characters around: That "precision mode" we had while holding down the Shift key and draggin' limbs/characters around is gone!

Oh, and while experimenting with the Cat, testing out a not-so-extreme pose, her shoulders began to act up:

I just wanted her to be holding one of her buttocks, so I pulled her right arm back a bit...

Maybe a bit of a nitpick, but, I think the clickable lines in the 3D rotation Gizmo could be a *bit* thicker. I'm still getting used to the new one, and it's definetely a step forward from the first one, but, it's kind of hard to click and hold those thin lines sometimes.   :#

Thanks a lot for the update, guys!


  • edited 10:59PM
    I sometimes see the mesh going like that. it especially seems to do that if you unintentionally rotate the joint a full 360 degress along an axis. I usually just delete the node for the offending limb, thus resetting it, and start again.

    Cannot comment on the precision mode not being there. haven't had enough time to play around yet.

    I did notice that with the new two-dimensional translation controls and the new rotation control that sometimes the controls can be a bit difficult to grab, depending on the camera angle.
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