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Give Giraffe New Boobs

I was thinking for a while now,I think Giraffe's boobs look too balloony and fake (once inflated to a certain amount).  Maybe in the future could you guys give her more naturally looking boobs?  Something like Khana's or Elaine's?


  • DogsonDogson Administrator
    edited 7:37AM
    Hey Love, 
    As of now, I'm not sure if there will be any change of her mesh, there is more high likelyhood she'll get new textures.

    But I've been itching to do a 2.0 version of her at some point, as I did with Bunny that you can view here:
  • edited 7:37AM
    @Dogson If she does get a 2.0 version, will we still get to keep the old model?  
  • edited March 2016
    option to change the nipple circumference would be nice.
  • edited 7:37AM
    @Waves I was thinking that, too.  I mean, they aren't so bad when you inflate them a little, but when you max out the inflation, her navels just seem a bit ridiculous.
  • edited 7:37AM
    They'd look fake if they didn't jiggle. Because they jiggle, they just look very plump and generally awesome.

    If you wanna see some mad fake boobs, check out the deer.

    I do think Giraffe's aereolae are a bit too dark -- options to adjust their color or size would be good.
  • edited March 2016
    @FibS wat, how are Elaine's bewbs not hawt?
  • edited 7:37AM
    @Waves I didn't say anyone wasn't hot... just that if we were talking about breasts that looked fake, Elaine tops the chart; zero gravity, spherical w/ sharp angle to her chest wall, surgical scars

    (they're not really surgical scars they're just weird texture issues)
  • edited 7:37AM
    @FibS Well soon they'll each have furshader (making them look better); and if you use the force mechanic, dem titties will bounce like crazy! B)  

  • edited 7:37AM
    @Waves I'm really hoping we don't get hairy breasts anytime soon, at least not enforced. Yuck.
  • edited 7:37AM
    @FibS they're covered in fur yo; plus there're hairy breasts already ingame, when you inflate the cat's.  Though the shader seems to break when they're inflated.
  • edited 7:37AM
    @Waves That's awful and will be a deal breaker for me
  • edited 7:37AM
    @FibS Dunno what you thought the breasts, and femcharacters altogether, were covered in lol 

  • edited 7:37AM
    @Waves BEEPBEEPBEEP! What's that? Time to put you in your place? Don't mind if I do!

    Let's cut right to the chase: Stupid people like you are the source of everything wrong with furry. "Uh oh! A kind of furry that isn't mine?! Better mock it right away and pretend it's stupid crazy-talk! We can't have creativity & acceptance or appeal to everyone in this fandom -- just me!"

    The fact is, people like you are closet zoophiles; you can't stand furries that aren't one paw removed from fucking an animal. Assholes like you demand that cows have udders, birds have cloacae and no tits, dogs have knots and spin around hilariously and comically when they jizz, etc, because if furries without those traits (i.e. good ones) become too commonplace, everyone will instantly see you're a zoophile by simple comparison.

    Hell, the only reason you're not complaining the characters have human-style breasts (and faces in females' case) in the first place is because you already know you're not going to get "anatomically correct" characters by doing so.

    Well unlike you, I am not here to pretend to fuck animals. I am here to pretend to fuck hot women who vaguely resemble animals and who we only call by the same names as those animals because otherwise we'd have to make up completely new words for no god damned reason.

    And lo and behold, tits covered in hair are not hot so I do not want them on my hot women.

    But a stupid narcissist like you hears "dog" and thinks "dog?! like my pet?! covered in fur with like ten tits and a bulky snout and paws and goes into heat?!" and you refuse to acknowledge any form of furry that doesn't prop a real giraffe up on stilts and put a price tag on its asshole because you are a fucking zoophile and to answer your completely moronic question tits are covered in skin.

    There is no excuse for covering breasts in fur. It's hideous, it's retarded, and it's zoophilic. Do you know why animals have hair on their tits? Because animals don't give a shit how sexy they are.

    And if Yiffalicious does not realize that and provide its users the option to customize the fur patterns to their liking like the entire point of the project isthen I suppose it will have just been another waste of my time and yet another hallmark of how completely retarded and disgusting the superficial and fake culture of furry is!

    But with any luck, they're smarter and more self-aware people than you, because when l'epic memelords call someone a cancer they're comparing them to you.

    Go fuck a parked car.
  • edited March 2016
    @FibS aaaand there it is.  Nothing to see people, just an assmad troll.  

  • edited 7:37AM
    Fucking shit you guys, you blew up my notifications box!
  • edited 7:37AM
    dude, he may looks arsh and butt-hurts. But he said wisdom: the whole point is to fit all preferences.
    Without consideration to the discussed content: some may enjoy with it, others may have the choice to dizable it.

    (And god nope, do not even think about scat' or babyfurr stuff'. It's dev's responsability to accept featuring that kind of stuff in HIS OWN work. No need to ask "why not?" many times <.< )
  • edited March 2016
    @Kitsune_McSwagg No m8, that entire post was one of the most hypocrical "pot calling the kettle black" irrelevant things I've ever seen; and I've seen stuff. User was wrong on almost every point, implying I'm a zoophile that wants to see these characters with 3 pairs of tits because I said they're covered in fur (like no shit they're covered in fur, right?)
    Saying I'm not for creavity (like what?)(not to mention the devs ARE trying to keep things anatomically correct already; just look at the penises, feet, etc); saying this while being the one to bash the characters for having fur and calling other people zoophiles. People like Fibs should NOT be here; just like that other troll complaining about the game, this anon is shitting on people for no reason.

    I'm for fitting all preferences m8, reread that trollbaiter's post, you'll see HE is the one that needs to be told this.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited March 2016
    FibS, you don't get to make accusations like that just because someone prefers fur shading. Your post is a huge overreaction, and the tone you chose is not welcome here. Calm down or find another community.

    And FYI, fur shading will always be optional.
  • edited 7:37AM

  • edited 7:37AM
    If I knew how, I'd have this thread locked.  It became a flamebait thread all too quickly
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 7:37AM
    As you wish.
This discussion has been closed.