Would there be a possibility to see muscle or bodybuilder characters or options to beef up current characters? Like having sliders to beef up the character. Skyrim has them so its a thought and suggestion. I see you can cumflation and make the tits bigger so i figured why not muscle? Beefcakes!
We have this concept of a buff rabbit that we think can be suitable for this experiment:
These would be the "base", and the slider would increase muscles even more.
The way we'd solve this will require DX11 tessellation.
...but back to the subject... I personally feel that if there was a slider to increase/decrease the muscles on a character, it would affect all muscles and additional body parts (Neck/Shoulders) and not just the chest area. This would keep the size of the character consistent. Not sure how this could be implemented... but I really like the idea!
Would there be an extra texture layer that would fade in/out to accommodate the size of the muscles? I notice on some games that have a muscle slider but no corresponding texture change, they end up simply looking blobby instead of ripped.
Bodybuilders but bigger than an average human bodybuilder.