I'm confused with how to make a Snapshot, how to use the override slider in the "Force" section when I can't find the Force section on the left list of options or the top right corner. So, please tell me or show me a tutorial on how to create a Yiff scene in Yiffalicious.
you have the add female character to the scene first, then male. the default thrusting speed is greater than 0, so if you hit play after attaching male to female(either hole will work), they will hump.
to create poses, to need to select nodes at characters' limbs and hit Create or the hotkey C.
move the node around with hotkey W or rotate with E. Note that the locations of these nodes are not recorded in the snapshots but the entire scene.
Snapshots will only record parameters set in the right sections, such as thrusting speed, force, expressions, etc. Note that the expansion sliders will not be recorded by the snapshots, but the expansion rate will.
Try editing other's creation to learn how to use it.