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Patreon public 0.6.0 Updates

Just saw this today and thought I would make sure everyone here is aware of the updates that the Yiffalicious team has publicly posted on their Patreon. They posted a 2 part collection of updates, part1 and part2. The summary of changes involve updating the Force model when thrusting, adding humpee leaning (Dat ass thrust), and a custom IK spine solver. They also posted a bunch of gifs within the posts demonstrating each of the new improvements. Just from the small demonstrations it makes me really excited for when 0.6.0 is released. From these posts and the roadmap it looks like 0.6.0 is going to be a jam packed release.


  • edited 6:20AM
    I know the Patreon posts are about a month old so I'm sorry for those who were already aware.
  • edited July 2016
    Can leaning be made to simulate grinding? As though the penetratee simply moves their hips but doesn't change depth of the penetrator's shaft?

    edit: specifically, can the hips be modified to gyrate muh dik? 
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 6:20AM
    usicco said: Can leaning be made to simulate grinding? As though the penetratee simply moves their hips but doesn't change depth of the penetrator's shaft?
    Yes. Just activate leaning for the penetratee and reduce distance and depth to zero.
  • edited 6:20AM
    odes said: Yes.
    Alright alright alright.
  • edited 6:20AM
    Soooo public doesn't get sexy dragoness? :( 
  • edited 6:20AM
    Then in the 0.6.4 Public build about february 2017.
  • edited 6:20AM
    hornystallion81 said: Then in the 0.6.4 Public build about february 2017.
    I think it's inappropriate to criticize release times when other people are paying for the project. Especially for something that doesn't even concern them.
  • Who criticized? I responded to a question. I wrote that the next time public build expected. As I noticed the public builds six-month cycles are scheduled. But if you bother to have a free edition, to launch a petition to terminate. Have a nice day. :)
  • edited 6:20AM
    hornystallion81 said: I responded to a question.
    Ah, I didn't realize that. Also, I thought you were joking about it taking until 2017 to release...
    I haven't been paying close attention to separate public builds, but does it really take 6 months between them? 
  • edited 6:20AM
    Public releases:
    0.1: 2015-06-28
    0.2.4: 2015-08-04
    0.3.4: 2015-09-23
    0.4.4: 2016-01-06
    0.5.4: 2016-06-18

    Not 6 months every public version, but every time they release a new version, the project is bigger and comes with more content than the previous one, so if the trend is mantained, it can even be more than 6 months for the next public version.
  • edited 6:20AM
    Horsie said: Public releases:
    0.1: 2015-06-28
    0.2.4: 2015-08-04
    0.3.4: 2015-09-23
    0.4.4: 2016-01-06
    0.5.4: 2016-06-18

    Not 6 months every public version, but every time they release a new version, the project is bigger and comes with more content than the previous one, so if the trend is mantained, it can even be more than 6 months for the next public version.
    I can definitely see a trend in this, and all i can say is ...BAAAALLLLLSSS!!!!
  • edited 6:20AM
    Odes changed the 6.0 release from to do to doing on the roadmap with the comment "release within 24 hours?" I think we will see it within the weekend.
  • edited August 2016
    @orbmi I saw that as well. Can't wait for its release.
  • edited 6:20AM
    Patch notes are out with a collection of previews of almost everything.
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