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patreon log in fail

edited 12:15PM in Issues
i tried to log in to pledge money to yiffalicious but it doesnt log me in this is bullcrap i dont know how to fix it


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:15PM

    I can't find your username or email in the list of patrons. Can you link me your patreon user page or user id?
  • edited 12:15PM
    i tried to log in with facebook it says "cannot connect to facebook" and i tried to login and it said "invalid password and email" i dunno what to do
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:15PM
    ... do you have an account?
  • edited 12:15PM
    yes i have a account but it just refuses to log me in
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:15PM
    If you've forgotten your password you can use their password recovery service:

    Or if all else fails, contact their support.
  • edited 12:15PM
    i have tried to reset my password but its still doing the same thing also i will contact their support thanks odes also quick quick thing can you show me a pic of the dragoness pov with her breasts fully in view please
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:15PM
    Here's a POV video of Dragoness being rammed by horse.
  • edited 12:15PM
    @odes i wanna say that sometimes when people have sex it can hurt right
  • edited 12:15PM
    @odes can you show me another dragoness pov please like standing and then like pounding them and the dragoness has full breasts like when you inflate them its at full can you show me that please
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:15PM
    You don't seem to recognize I went out of my way to create this video for you out of courtesy. You almost immediately demand more instead. And not once, but 4 times in 2 different posts, 1 private message and 1 wall post. All within less than 4 hours of each other. I don't have time for this, but even if I did, why would I spend any of it like this?

    Give an inch, and he will take a yard...
  • edited 12:15PM
    RuneGalin said: can you show me another dragoness
    What exactly do you want? This isn't a request forum, unless you want to make a suggestion (feature request) for the actual game.

    Simply asking people to spoonfeed you videos is a bit selfish. Wait a few weeks for your patreon mishaps to sort themselves out, then come back after you've exhausted every resource available to you, and then let us know if you still need help.
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