So, I have been thinking about this for some time now and I really wonder. How many of your friends and family know of your drift for the furry world?
For me, I only have one true friend that knows how deep this really goes. Even my wife only knows a little about it and that is because of my drawings. I hope that you will share your thoughts, feelings and experience about this

And a big thank you to
@odes and
@Dogson for starting this wonderful project!!!!
But one day I'll show her Yiffalicious, if only to see her reaction to it.
I have a profile on, if you should care;
I got in to furry in about mid 00's when I was about 20 years old in Sweden, and the phenomenon of furry fandom was very obscure at that point, and it still is today although I would suspect that the younger netizens sure know a thing or two about the fandom.
Some of my friends knew about it and thanks to it being so porly know here they usually went "So what, is it like Donald Duck and Bamse but with dicks and titties, lol whatever, let's go play some CS"
For those who don't know:
One other thing i could armchair for a bit is that as for Europe as a whole, there is only one major FurCon here and it's set in Germany, I guess, I haven't really looked in to that and it seems to be mostly free of controversy. The big blowouts seems to happen in the US with a lot of crazy people going ape on the floor there. Scenes from the elevator sequence from "The Shining" are reenacted but instead of a tsunami of blood it's a tsunami of cum instead.
And a lot of bug-chasing scandals.
This all works detrimental to establish a image of "a hobby for people who like funny animal characters." and attracts negative coverage. My two cents there is that it is what it is, I don't know what could stop people from going nuts there and I don't bother to think about it.
I have no real interest of con's and I probably have missed some here in Europe, so if anyone else knows, please fill me in.
All in all from those nonfurs I've encountered here who found out of my interest, it's mostly been "eh, whatever" so it's almost that I could consider myself normal
Emphasis on the " Almost" and "Could" :P
For me, I do not see myself as a furry. I have great sexual attraction for them, but I cannot see myself as one. Mainly, this is also the reason why I hope for a human male/ female to be added at some point.
It is very nice that you have such a clear timeframe for when you discovered this side of your self. I for one do not know when, but I would guess it started for real took off with Disney's Treasure Planet. You know, the one with the hot, strong cat-like female captain?
Yeah, I think I'm similar in that regard. I'm not a guy who wants to be an anthro, or likes to dress up in fursits. Not that I mind that sort of thing, I'm just not into it. I'm just attracted to these beings and enjoy the fantasy. Definitely more into anthros than humans though.
I brought the Furry fandom up to a friend of mine, who is gay. His partner was there too. He jumped straight to the conclusion that I was gay, since many of the people he knows, who is into anthros and furries are gay. Had to explain to him, that I was straight, married and have kids.
Regarding you being introvert and at times lonely. You ever need an understanding ear, look me up. I have Asperger's syndrome and ADD, two very conflicting things. Some times, I could go days without seeing anyone, but my ADD side wants company. But too much company and I can develop signs of depression.
Why did you get a diagnosis and how did it affect your life?
As to how the diagnosis has affected me? Well, it explains a lot. Of the issues and trouble I had in school. Why I at times have trouble with crowds and noise. Why I could get sick, like physically sick with nausea and headache or migraine, if plans suddenly changed.
I had always been the odd one out. Strange, weird. Had very few friends while growing up. Today, everyone I know knows what I have, so whenever I say something out of context, they know it is because my train of thought is like five stations further than theirs
Sounds really nice. I'm happy you seem to have your life in order and feel better now.
I should probably be investigated, not because I necessarily need help but because it would be nice to know. Plus it's always a nice excuse to have. Like Cartman (although this was faked tourettes):
Getting my life in order has been a really, really long and hard journey. Was it not for the support of wife, I would most likely have become a junkie or something along those line. Or I might not been around to discover your great work of digital art
I wouldn't consider myself a furry, but I do really enjoy the sexual fantasy side of it. I will most likely keep this part of my life a secret until it somehow accidentally spills into the light. (hopefully that never happens).
Up until this game came out, I've been a very casual observer who just enjoyed reading furry hentai. This is the first furry community I've ever signed up on and even created a new email address for.
Seeing all of the work @odes and @Dogson have done on the game has really inspired me to work harder on my own video games. I've enjoyed seeing what just a small team of people can really accomplish when they have the passion and drive.
Thanks guys!
@Dogson I recently moved to sweden a few years ago, I think this place is too tame for furcons
Regarding cons, even if they had it here in Denmark, I highly doubt that I would ever attend one.
I'm definitely not a furry, but I love cartoons, anime, and anthropomorfic animals. I'm not interested in cons, and also I'm mostly sure there's none in my country.
I'm also an introvert, and was very shy and awkward when I was a kid, but now I'm just a bit socially inept.
Several years ago I discovered the asperger syndrome, and thought I had it. I tried several tests, but if I have it, it's very very mild.
So now for the sexual part: if I'm not a furry, why I love furry porn? well, because it's on my (very long) fetish list. I have an extremely strong sexual drive, and I'm also bisexual, something that gives you a lot more options.
Also, two years ago I got some sessions with a psycologyst, and he said that while I'm a pervert (not his exact words), that's not a problem at all because I accept myself as what I am (and also, I'm happy being that way)
And to end my post with a funny note, and about telling somebody about my furry preferences, I just remembered that when I was about 18 years old, I was on the home of a girl I was totally in love with (not mutual). After fixing something with her computer, I showed her some furry porn because I thought that would excite her (did I say I'm socially inept?). Obviously that wasn't the result. She got very confused, and the situation soon turned very unconfortable for both of us. Lucky me, she wasn't offended nor mad, and we never talked about this "episode" again and we kept being friends as if that never happened. I still cringe when I remember this episode.
As you, I too have, at least a fairly long list of fetishes. Don't know how many you have to have before it is considered long. Also, my sexual drive is bonkers. If I let it run its course, I do not know if my wife could keep up.
My I ask, how old you are and where in the world you call home?
Hahaha. Dear lord. I can imagine the cringe in that one. Made me chuckle.
Not an epic fail, but still... XD I loled
My girlfriend can't keep with me, I already know (and she, too).
I'm almost 40 and I live in Spain.
And the fact that I can't share most of my interests because they're unusual (and I'm not talking about NSFW ones only) mades me sad, but only if I think about it.
I wonder what happened to him... gonna go find and message him.