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Humans and Humanoids?!!!! (Art progression)

DogsonDogson Administrator
edited August 2016 in Off topic
This is manly a new thread created not to derail the other topic of "How big of a Secret is it?" Where in DrunkDragon was touching on the subject of possible Human character interaction with anthros at some point.

There is a lot for us to do right now so there will definitely not be any ETA at any point for now. It would be fun with more diverse cast of characters,but we simply don't want to frivolously fling promises around either. Also, it seems a bit overwhelming what with there being TONNES of other VR and Games with porn out there featuring humans and humanoids.

I have actually gotten some questions if there will be humans in this past spring, and I said that it was an possibility and that I've hooked up with a friend to study human anatomy and that they might see something at the end of summer.

Time to put my money where my mouth is and start posting some progression.. feels a bit nervous, but here we go: 

An elf woman!


Well, it's an start, I cry blood over human lips, they seem so rudimentary that you should be able to get them right, but nope, one millimeter of wrong angle and you will have a bad time T_T

I hope to post more progression soon with humans, elfs, orcs, demons and whathave you, It's crazy hard to get humans right, but it's also fun and rewarding when you have something that resembles them pretty ok.


  • edited 6:21AM
    @Dogson Oh. My. Freaking. God! It looks so nice!!!
    I think I have said it before, but there is a other 3D game, where the characters are easy to export as .obj files. They are all human, so it could be a starting point, to get some baselines. Have been trying to edit on them myself a long time ago, for the game, but could not get them imported right again.
  • DogsonDogson Administrator
    edited 6:21AM
    @DrunkDragon Thanks dude, appreciate the kind words :) She has a lot of issues tough that I need to polish and get better at.

    Oh, what name of that 3d game is that? Sorry but I seem to have missed it since I've been polishing Dragoness for a long time that I regrettably haven't been around the forum as I should have. 
  • edited 6:21AM
    You have heard of 3DSexVilla 2, right? There is this kind of underground community that works parallel on it. TheKlub17. Can post a link for it, so you can check it out for your self.
  • edited 6:21AM
    Lawd have mercy! I think I'm in love! :heart:

    First the massive update with 0.6 and now this, I am so excited for this to show up! :smiley:
  • edited 6:21AM
    She is dam hot, it would be kinda fun to have elves in the game.

    I know there are some that hate the idea of having humans in a furry styled game, but the fact is when you get to the point of custom imported characters, we are going to see some with skin n not fur in the game ;)

    It's good to have all sorts open to everybody's tastes and wishes in the long run and its pretty sweet seeing this creative side from you guys. After the buff bunny I can't wait to see what else you are thinking about.
  • edited 6:21AM
    Oh, yes please.

    Funny, just last night I was comparing models in the game and noticed how refined the dragoness is compared to the characters previous. I've seen a marked improvement with each new design and the execution of the models. When you (Dogson) are allowed to follow your own muse only good things happen.

    That's the point about art, it's not always what you expect, it would be boring if it were. So, keep doing what you're doing and I'll keep throwing money in your direction.
  • edited 6:21AM
    @worsel Here, have my like for that comment! *Tosses a "Like" in your generel direction*
  • edited 6:21AM
    The elf certainty has my vote to be added! The mythological side blends in well with the furry side.
  • edited 6:21AM
    I just reexamined the elf model and I must say, I really like the meaty muff <3
  • edited August 2016
    I hate being a negative Nancy...
    But, there feels like a huge lack of sexual appeal IMO
    Here is an example of what i would like to see personally... it's my AV in SL.
    Ignore the huge tits, i don't know if tits THAT big be all that great, i'm just kinda showcasing the body and so forth.

    I honestly also prefer your early models, what with the sexy big jiggly butts.
    The early stuff had real sex appeal, but it's slowly feeling more tame the more refined the new stuff is.

  • edited 6:21AM
    I mean, everyone has different opinions about what they find attractive. What's "tame" to you may not be for someone else. If every single model introduced to the game had the same basic figure, it would be boring or even unpleasant for people who don't have the same tastes. The reason the cat and fox were introduced, for example, was because there were no similarly lithe models in-game. The cat is my personal favorite-- I'm not into big tits or chubbiness myself, although I acknowledge that it is the preference of other people. When I clicked on your SL avatar, it was more amusing to me than sexually attractive, for example.

    Personally, I really like the elf! I hope she does get introduced.
  • edited August 2016
  • DogsonDogson Administrator
    edited 6:21AM
    @RedLust nice input, but I hate to tell you that the fact is that attempts at content controlling will be ignored. You're very much welcome to point out obvious anatomical errors, but "you need to make it look like this persons style or like  in this picture set" wont do well here.

    I like bbw's and your SL avatar was a nice example, but they aren't the end all, be all for me and I want to do other body types too in the future.

    Thank you. 
  • edited 6:21AM
    What I really love about this concept is, that at times, a poll will be set and people can then vote for the next type to be introduced. Otherwise, it is totally up to the creator and their creativity. The random inspiration that just strikes down often brings a wider variety to the table. If Dogson had to be bound by only what "we" wanted, he would for sure lose the ever-growing passion and desire to create more. This binding of creativity is all too well seen in a lot of movies these days.
  • edited 6:21AM
    RedLust said: I hate being a negative Nancy...
    But, there feels like a huge lack of sexual appeal IMO
    Here is an example of what i would like to see personally... it's my AV in SL.
    Ignore the huge tits, i don't know if tits THAT big be all that great, i'm just kinda showcasing the body and so forth.

    I honestly also prefer your early models, what with the sexy big jiggly butts.
    The early stuff had real sex appeal, but it's slowly feeling more tame the more refined the new stuff is.
    can't see any of those links, all of them are "Page not found"
  • edited 6:21AM
    @DrunkDragon Yep, exactly, well put.  What attracts me to this project is how it is open ended.  No rules, no expectations, let me be surprised.
  • edited 6:21AM
    In my opinion I'd prefer a male human character, hell wouldn't even care if it was quickly done. It's one of the reasons I've been waiting for custom characters to be implemented with a tutorial just to make a human male. I would purchase the game with what's been made for just for that alone.
  • edited September 2016
    This is wonderful news, I have long been waiting for the human characters add to the game , I hope you have not abandoned the idea, I'm sure that it will attract to the game a lot of new fans
    Ps: Sorry for my bad english
  • edited 6:21AM
    I removed the images... could not modify the post.. so done away with the pictures... i rather not have an opinion on the internet anymore... voicing your own ideas and opinions just kinda causes issues.....
    I shall not be making suggestions or anything similar anymore.
    Rather not upset folks anymore.
  • edited 6:21AM
    RedLust said: I removed the images... could not modify the post.. so done away with the pictures... i rather not have an opinion on the internet anymore... voicing your own ideas and opinions just kinda causes issues.....
    Oh don't be so melodramatic. Everyone can have an opinion, but everyone can also criticize each other's opinion. I would hope people here are open to criticism more than they feel everyone needs to have the same one, so as prevent creating a "hugbox" or "echo-chamber"

    And from what I can tell, a few posts in responds to your own shouldn't make you feel like "everyone is now upset because of what I posted". I'm sure there's plenty of others who have the same interests as yours that use yiffalicious, but not all of them necessarily post regularly.

    All I'm saying is don't feel like your opinion is worthless, just be open to the fact that not everyone holds it to the same standard that you do.
  • edited 6:21AM
    @RedLust @usicco The written form of communication is also hard to interpret. You cannot see the bodylanguge, hear the tone of voice or where the pressure is on the different words.
  • edited 6:21AM
    @Dogson Hope you are starting to feel better. Need you to get back to work XD
    Regarding the other game I told you about, if you want, I can extract the obj file for you. I already have the game installed. That way you would have a baseline to work with and maybe test with.
  • edited 6:21AM
    @Dogson As soon you feel like you have any updates that is worth mentioning regarding the elf, I would like to know :smiley:
    Hope you are starting to be your old healthy self!
  • DogsonDogson Administrator
    edited 6:21AM
    @DrunkDragon Sure will, I hope to be able to post something when I get the tim. Right about now I'm finishing off the wings on the male dragon. And designing both the cow and male dog's face. 



  • edited 6:21AM
    Yes, I'm very excited to see the cow in action. Really love the muscles on her!
  • edited 6:21AM
    oh man those look fantastic, can't wait to see them in VR (or just in-game for that matter)
  • edited 6:21AM
     i dunno, the cow looks awfully clay-like to me, more so than the other characters.
  • DogsonDogson Administrator
    edited 6:21AM
    @lovalicious it might help you to realize that it stil a wip?
  • edited 6:21AM
    @Dogson I realize that.  
  • edited 6:21AM
    I realize their are other VR like 3D stuff for humans.. but i think the reason folks ask about it is because like me, they just have a thing for seeing humans and furs be together.
    A sense of.. forgive me for using this term.. Unity ... is nice.
    We I can't tell you how many sites i been to where i don't feel welcome because although i love furries.. i don't consider myself one.. and i don't have a fursona.
    But part of that being a non fur who likes the fur stuff, the fantasy always pops into my head of seeing furs and .. non furs playing and having fun.
    I hope i am making sense.
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