In an effort to ease the creation and release of skins. The Yiffalicious Live Skin Dropper presents you with a UI that lists:
- Current in game characters
- Parts for each character
- In game skin slots for each character
- Mesh names for each character part
To use:
- Select the character, part, index, and mesh you want to modify
- Drag your .PNG file onto the _MainTex and/or _MainTex_patch you want to modify
- In game, press F5 to preview the skin
- When you have mesh(es) modified to your satisfaction press "save skin" on the title bar
- Enter the author and version information (this information is retained across app loads)
- Enter the title
- Drop a screenshot in png format file onto the thumb box
- Press "save" and enter the name of the file to save to
What happens when you drop a texture into the app?
- The file you drop onto the app is copied to the correct folder under custom\textures and is renamed to _MainTex or _MainTex_patch
What happens when you save a ZIP file?
- The textures in the currently selected char/part/index are saved into a ZIP file for use with Jei3's Skin Manager
- Author, Version, and Title information are added to skininfo.txt
- The png dropped onto the thumb box is added as skinicon.png
Version History:
1.0 - Initial Release
Download via Dropbox:
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