I recently updated painter so i decided to make some skins to try out the new features.
They're not finished completely yet, but work. I still gotta do quite abit to do on them.

The Dragoness one works currently without wings or Futa but i will get to them

The cats dose work but i just need to work on some parts to to make it more visually pleasing.
But yeah still need to work on them:
- Futa and wings for Dragoness.
- Improve the skin in general to make it more visually pleasing for Dragoness
- Add hair (made it just dont know how to add it aha)
- Also Improve the skin in general to make it more visually pleasing for Cat
If anyone would like to download them
Haha, dat Yiffalicious logo on D.va skin instead of bunny. Nice touch.
got it here you
I've also put all the sub textures in there too, so if you would like to edit anything its there for you.
but if you only want the prebaked one just download the "dragoness Suit only (premade) .png" texture only.
Widow Ilinir: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4y4wpkxhydzbrvt/%7BDragoness%7D_WidowMaker.zip/file
DVA Cat: