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Something that was probably already planned/said

Yeah I'm gonna be blunt as I can't remember weather or not this has already been said but: both reverse penetration and more preset position/pose options.
by reverse penetration I mean the order of how you can set the interaction(basically the option to set the male/herm[futa] actor first instead of the penetrated actor; basically for example the option to set Finn first and then select the next actor and the type of penetration, say Khana for anal.) I'm not sure if i'm explaining it right but what i basically want is the option to set the actor that does the penetration first but still be able to set the type of penetration ~_~ 

just ignore this cause I don't think I can explain it right.


  • Do you mean like switching penetrations like say from vaginal -> anal?
  • kinda but also setting a male model before the female for the interation, it was hard for m to explain but at base what I was trying to ask was for the ability to set the male/herm actor first and then set the female actor
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