In two years ago, i was played your game and i think this game was wonderful, but the items and the characters was too less. If the game have more furry, human or other things like character, it will make the game be fun again.
YL2, the sequel to this game that is still being developed, will have more characters & you will be able to make your own characters too. YL1, the game we are all playing right now, won't have any new characters, so skins are your best bet for now.
i know that change the character's skin could make it like new character, but that all furry was used. I know i say it that will make you become rage, but in fact i just want you to understand my problem.
Huh? No rage here, I'm in the same place as you. We just have to be patient, more characters are coming, but in YL2 & not YL1. It might be a while sadly.
Wish they let you insert your own charas into YL1 via blender and unity, would be rad if they made it open source like that but that doesn't make sense business wise that much x3
I am a patron in the first tier . If there is a human male char skin to interact with the tiffs characters in yl 1 please provide a link to that skin? Also when is y l 2 coming out ?
The source film maker is what exactly. There are sexy characters. Displayed on xnxx in their hentai sections that would be awesome in this yiffalicious game . Also Pokémon’s would be awesome too here in the yiffalicious gaming venue.
Or 9f given the right program to use I could possibly work on making my own sex machine characters for import to this yiffalicious game . Just need to be shown how just once .
Have. Great computer I built at home and if had the right program to use , if it’s easy enough . I’m willing to d3vote some time to create new characters if it’s able to be integrated into the game so I can use my own custom skins , characters.
@njwrstlr Finn has the penis of a man, not a canine. :1 use him and just color his skin. if your third person then idk what to do then .... maybe a helmet.-.
Goro Mortal Kombat and
Kintaro also
Motaro thanks for your time
As long as you give proper credit and don't make money off it, we're fine with it.