I did a bit of a cheat to make the horns on my dragon, rather than trying to make a model myself.

As you can probably tell, the left horn is pieced together out of claws, while the right horn isn't mirroring right.
I was also having a horrible, horrible, horrible time with undoing. It tended to make all the claws shift around slightly every time I undo, even ones that weren't actually changed at all.
The offset bug has been fixed.
Can you share a file where this undo bug happens? And explain how exactly to make it happen. That would help us tremendously. (You can send me a PM if you don't want to share the file here.)
Basically just use the sculpt tool with tilt (it seems like the other values might be a little buggy as well), then undo, several times.
File freshly loaded:
After undoing several tilt operations all the way back to what should be the freshly-loaded state:
You can see the tip got messed up even worse, under the lower edge of the sculpt tool, even though I don't think I actually touched that one with the sculpt tool.
edit: If I save with them at -89 degrees, the file loads with them at around +82 to +85 degrees. No idea what's going on there.