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  • I named one I'm bad at naming things so far it's got a score of 5
  • well I can make still images really well but animation is kind of odd
  • well at lest you told me what I did wrong. I fixed one of them (but will not give the name ((maybe people don't like it being posted here as well maybe)) but I must say I am a noob animator as a fact(((one you can clearly see))) so yea but I will co…
  • what do you think it is now ? I made no more odd bends...I fixed the stuff you said to. What could it be now that they are hating about ? am I destined for my score on my works to be in the negative numbers ?
  • thanks I've remade them so that they are better then they were the names are mostly the same but with remade in the title and one good time was renamed to one hell of a good time
  • I don't know if this even belongs here.