It's amazing to see just how far this game has been going now. Really well done you lot and eagerly looking forward to seeing just how it comes out and just what all us crazies can end up doing with it
@Oozaru The main problem you would run into with the spine, from what I can tell, is the use of the humping/thrusting abilities in the game. Having the extra twist would throw it off by a large margin and make it go rather crazy. Unless they can wor…
DrunkDragon said: Would it be possible to implement character size scaling at some point?
Your probably best asking about that in the suggestion part of the forums ;-)
But as far as I know that is something they don't have on the list of things th…
OH man I love seeing just how good you lot are getting with these screenshots.
Sorry I haven't been around much, work has been utterly evil with the workload here for me and with all sorts of other stuff getting in the way aswell... But I am back t…
@DrunkDragon Yeah to be honest I use it alot for this game aswell as some others, best way is to look into giving it a try and see if it works well for you or not
DrunkDragon said: Oh, and how do you post pictures directly into the forum thread? Have tried various things, but keep getting "Upload failed".
I use Puush for my pictures to both capture them and be able to upload them. Just by clicking on the "Im…
Been testing this myself and I think I spotted what is doing it.. I believe it's a combination of the the 'spine' of the Dragon with his 'leaning' in the test I did. It also only seams to happen after you hit the stop, during the animation with mult…
And working on a few animatinos, just having go pick which one to really work on.. just did this one for the moment...
A fun time with 3 dragonesses all waiting their turn for the big guy ^_^
Been a while since I did anything, had this fun lille group one to keep me busy so here you go
A market with a the max fuzzy limit that has a bashful lille foxy who popped a stiffy ^_^
She is dam hot, it would be kinda fun to have elves in the game.
I know there are some that hate the idea of having humans in a furry styled game, but the fact is when you get to the point of custom imported characters, we are going to see some wit…
The custom look at it just to direct the face towards something of interest. just as Usicco said.
the function that we are eager for is a slider to adjust the head rotation on the x axis (left to right) just as it already has one on the z/y axis (u…
It would allow to some fun interactions especially with the new are they put in... Who doesn't like a romantic night under the moonlight to get the sticky.
worsel said: I don't know. I'm thinking about revisiting a couple of them. There is so much new to play with that it may be a while before I get around to it.
Yeah I know what you mean... Going to stop after this one.. just finished up another a…
N there we go.. first one completed. Can't believe how much has changed that the animation got soo bad... that or I was pretty crud
Going to go in the order as I have uploaded them first time them.
So first up:
Fun with a view
There all finished... Just uploaded this one for all to enjoy ^_^
Bloody hell just counted it... 3 hours later and with 30 Snapshots >.<
When a wolf loves a Dragon
Finally picked a theme.. here we go... a small tease on the one I'm working on now.. this will be an animation in the game, I'll do a screenshot one tomorrow or Monday
Soo many options.. I keep messing with the settings and new systems... will get one done today at least... Did have a good laugh with this one.. think its dam hot
Yes... I'm evil
Here we go... loving the new stuffs n all, I do have a notepad out n taking down a few pointers / ideas for ya all... but enough about that.
Here is the (default) lady group photo I just got together
And the one with the skins/colors I love mos…
Can't wait for da dragon... I'll do a pick with all the different dragons in the new place if you like.. Actually... I'll do another group pick... wonder what the limit for chars is as i'll find a way to put them all in
It's been a while since I have done anything in hte game... so need to get back into it and got some more sorted out for you crazies
So here are some fun ones I did with the lille fox, also wondered just how 'girly' he can be, so I tried a few to…
Best thing you can do but looks a tad weird... is move the head/spine anchor up high away from the body of the cat... that will stretch her arms straight n kinda force her to move the hips more.
Its been a while but I finaly managed to get a few more done.. this is one I'm working on and if I don't get to distracted on my side it should be done tonight as a fun animation
Just wish it was easier to get her to look back like that in th…