Some more extra shots... Starting to run out of ideas on poses.
I think that's enough for the pictures for the time being. Gotta save some for more updates!
Some pics I really liked this latest photoshoot...
The occasion was because I put on a normal that had scale texture. This time, PBR was too strong and you could really see the texture seam lines. After some investigation, a lot of different char…
I hope we get a way to update the cloud's images for our characters, because I decided to take some more pictures.
I think you're right Craket... Very little stuff left for me to with her until the next update. She does need her proper ears, but …
Thanks Craket! That supply drop was really handy!
I play on Ultra and the line showed up on SSS. It's very faint, but it's enough to drive any sort of OCD in my head nuts. Plus, with my eyesight, I don't really see much of a difference between PBR …
The smoothness looks like a nice addition. SSS doesn't work well with Shiza's breasts as a very faint line forms around them, which bothers me. DX Until I figure it out, she'll stay PBR.
As for the hair, I'm gonna wait and see what the devs can do …
It was the hair. It was 4048 sized for some reason... With adjustments to the other textures too, she's now around 3mb.
Edit: She's now been uploaded. She needs more texture cleanup, finished ears, detailing, and piercings. All in time of course!
I'm not within the limitations with her as she's around 13mb. I'm thinking the hair is the big hog, but I have yet to test it out at the moment. Also, the ears will have to be incomplete for the time being.