My only problem is that the fox's anus seems to extend out onto the ballsack... Looks quite odd tbh : / The placement of the anus in general on most of the characters is a little weird now that I think about it, but I guess that's not a very big iss…
odes said: Well it's true that we mess up sometimes, but usually the latest version is the most featured. And towards the end of a cycle they're getting pretty stable.
Yeah I realize that, as I said I was just joking
vermillionways said: So I just bought the most recent WIP build from itch. When I load the game it says I need a key number. When I click on "dont have a serial key?" It brings me too the Patreon login page. So I paid $12 for the most recent build a…
odes said: The test button works but not the invocation during play
I guess I should've mentioned that from the start, but glad I could be of some help :P
odes said: Can you be more specific? What character?
I tried using it on the Fox and it seems to work for me.
All of them actually, every time I start the app. It only seems to work in the free version for me