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  • @odes Are the new PhysX solvers for fluids tessellation based? I'm just curious for us AMD users if that's going to be a tremendous performance hit or not. Oh nvm. After reading about Unity's implementation of PhysX FleX and not FleX itself, I've n…
    in Better cum? Comment by Phillip June 2016
  • @Aspirante Just like @Horsie said, there is a large level of anonymity that you can have at Patreon. There's a large level of digital encryption involved as a requirement as listed in the merchant agreements for all CC issuers. The donations given a…
  • @lovalicious It's a computer. In your case, if you're a gamer, then it may be an investment for other uses. If not, then yeah, I agree with you in some regards. I upgrade my machine when it starts running slow for my games. I'd be somewhat inclined …
  • Could take the idea from that older game, like sexvilla or what ever it was called. The eyes can use a anchor to look at, which is similar to all the other joints you can move in an animation. But then again. Doing it that way has an issue if you'r…
  • What @Shadow_Drake said. It's possible. I've done it before. but you have to get kind of creative with the arms and spine anchor. Just keep in mind that the Spine anchor doesn't move during the animation. So if you position it higher and close by, …
  • @lovalicious No, you cannot. The only laptops which support swapping the card tend to cost well over $1000. And the MXM cards are usually double the cost of the standard size.  Your options are to buy a new laptop with a better GPU, or buy a desktop…
  • It would be neat. Customization is great. But also be fully prepared to see in the gallery, 50% size increased Rhinos stampeding through everything. 
  • Agreed. As an addition, having control of the neck node in the editor as a rotation. Having the ability to lock the head or neck in one general area as a function of the key is also convenient for manipulating the body under force.
  • I second this. Tis so difficult to have two or more of the same characters with different skins and having to memorize which is which.
  • If I may step in for a moment. So Anatomically correct Horse vagina, that's interesting. Not trying to knock anyones fetishes here. We are all of course, playing a game with a bunch of anthropomorphic characters having sex.  However, at the same t…