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  • I think an Idea we could get a ton of mileage out of for relatively little work is having different times of day and weather conditions available for each map. Ideally, you'd be able to set these yourself with sliders and checkboxes, but failing tha…
  • @IknalBetar Obviously, it isn't an even split, but I doubt it's an insignificant part of the earnings. Odes likely takes the lion's share, but Dogson's probably getting about as much, Pegashis (the environment artist) will likely be getting a lot m…
  • @IknalBetar You have to remember, here, that the $5000 (which Patreon takes their own cut from, naturally) is split between two full-time employees and two part-timers who could become more involved as things progress. That's pretty meager, all thi…
  • @Dogson High praise there, Thank you kindly. Good to hear we've got more heads on the way already. Any equine noggins in there? I'm happy with anything elongated, of course, but I especially like horses, as I'm sure you've guessed. Got several cha…
  • First of all, congratulations on finally reaching this milestone and getting me to back you financially. Damn fine job, too, even with the bugs and incomplete features. Spent all of yesterday night testing it out, and I can already say this blows ma…
  • @odes But maybe it should stay? Or at least be an option.Definitely should be an option. The more options, the better. The jiggle in the example is rather extreme, though, so you should also figure out a method for letting the player adjust the deg…
  • @odes What exactly would you like to see?Like many others who have expressed as much, I'd find it ideal if we could have a full range of various animalistic vaginas, but since that's not in the cards (no doubt due to payment processors playing at b…
  • The breast system is definitely going to need tweaking; they look like saggy torpedo tits at the moment if they go anywhere outside of the flattest settings. Would also be nice to have an option for tweaking the jiggle parameters as well, seems a bi…
  • I personally would be using toruses, spheres, and cylinders to make piercingsThat, at least, appears to be something that will be possible, judging by this update. I'm guessing they'll also be looking into modular bondage devices, given they had som…
  • Hell, why not go the full distance and just make modular structures and furniture for us to play with? Can't be too difficult to make the various props you've got in the scenes that the player can't interact with into ones the player can interact wi…
  • Very handy and versatile system you've come up with, here. I wonder if it could be adapted and used for facial customization, too. I recall you had some trouble coming up with an easy way to allow for that, so this could be a remedy there as well. N…
  • Besides, "death" as the end that most people believe it is, is a complete and utter illusion. I think you'll find that to be a hard sell for most people, given that they like being alive and find unverifiable promises questionable at best and you'll…
  • Again, you're coming at this from an overly idealistic standpoint. Belief in the virtues of freedom is all well and good, but I think you fail to realize that ultimately, freedom is an illusion. You're always at the mercy of something, your own body…
  • The thing about any kind of currency, whether it be paper or gold, is that it is worthless save for the value it's been ascribed by us, because if it did have some other value, it would be a resource rather than a currency. Technically, gold can be …
  • Still needs a bit more tweaking, I can still see the seam pretty clearly. Could be an issue of the sheath model being placed a bit too low, so (what I assume to be) the vagina-covering bit of mesh extends too far down, and has too steep an angle, le…
  • Well, whaddya know, I make a statue skin for Ilinir just for the hell of it and it turns out there was an old request for just such a thing floating about. Happy coincidence. Included in the package are two different eye textures, one for an ord…
  • Just tried out making a few myself, and there's quite a few large gaps in the documentation. The basics are covered, but a few more advanced features like using Blender to directly paint on the model aren't, due to tutorial videos having been taken …
  • @odes Well, obviously I don't see those as trivial, but they should be considerably simpler than the ordeal you just went through to implement the body types, yeah? Hang on a minute, didn't you already have a system for generating nipples based on…
  • @Placebo00 Sounds to me like we're pretty close to a demo of the character creator, given that this was the last major component of it left to implement. Should only need a few more smaller things before it's ready for prime time. After that, thoug…
  • @odes Can the eye sockets be scaled, then? If not, it may be worth your while to find a way to make them scalable; eyes are arguably the most important part of the face, so maximum customizability of them gets you the biggest bang for your buck. H…
  • @odes "is it really worth allowing characters that are going to cause the quality of the experience to go down?" Ah, but isn't it the user's prerogative to decide exactly what constitutes a decline in quality? Having been around this fandom for a …
  • Yiffalicious isn't banned. Yet. However, they've been going on the warpath to purge porn creators, too, so things are looking grim. Furry content is always one of the first on the chopping block when a corporation wants to sanitize its image, since …
  • Texture builder's looking spiffy, can't wait to get my grubby little hands on it and take it for a spin. Glad we've got the option to make things metallic and/or luminescent, got a few ideas in mind that will make good use of those features. Got a b…
  • The updates are always for the previous month, because it showcases what's been done, not what's being done.
  • For Yiffalicious 1, never. However, the devs are currently working on a "sequel" that will feature a character creator. They're aiming to release a playable version of said character creator for backers by the end of the year, though it remains to …
  • I was wondering why it was taking so long to show up. I can see a lot of potential uses for this already, even a few unconventional ones like exposed, hanging wiring for robotic characters. Be sure to make it possible to secure both ends of a fluff…
  • I, too, think the faces might be skewing a bit too hard in the cartoony direction. That's not an issue if we get some more realistic-looking variants to choose from as well, though, and I suspect that's what the aim's been all along; the devs have b…