Back from a bit of a hiatus. The new clothing system is a fantastic addition, but I'm still getting the hang of it. I started off by making a simple loincloth for my newest character Sequoia.
I think you sell yourself a bit short. In my view, you're not only the most prolific character creator, but also that your creations set the bar.
On the subject of morphs, do you think it will ever be possible for communi…
A million thanks! I feel obliged to say that your work definitely inspired me to seriously explore what's possible with the editor. I think your fluff work is amazing, and you have a consistent aesthetic, yet a wide range of characters. Very impress…
No, thank you for all your dedication.
I'm glad you like her, but I'd be careful, she may look hot to trot, but I've heard rumors that she's a bit of an ice queen.
I have added a download link for Checkers, however, (possibly due to a glitch?), you must manually re-enable the Gradient Masks for the Shoulders, Upper back, and Face under the Texture Builder. They don't seem to save properly.