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  • I would say that this game *already* sort of has a little bit of a mini game in it. Uploading your interactions & getting votes. Sure it's not much but it adds even a slight bit of extra play-ability, making you want to make a good scene, &…
  • Yes, I would imagine there would be lots of problems with both overall character scaling & character limb scaling. How much would the bones/nodes/mesh freak out for each character when scaled? How well would it work to have two paired characters…
  • Along with overall size of each character being an option, another interesting option could be sliders for each limb size as well. Often times I will be trying to pose something just right, but because of the characters I'm using I can't get one or …
  • Oh yeah. I know I've seen that option before, guess I never bothered to use it & forgot about it, lol. Either way, the menus could be streamlined & overall improved, which is one of the many things I hope to see in the future of this game. A…
  • I kinda of agree. At the least, eventually it would be nice to have more options for sound effects. Maybe a few sets of sound types (Wet, dry, etc.) could give more options & help fit certain scenes better. It would also be a little better if t…
  • Having more options when it comes to all of the sliders would be nice. As the game is right now, there is a slider called "Driver usage" that changes how expressions are handled slightly, but it isn't quite as interesting as what you are proposing…
  • You can kind of do this already, albeit it takes some extra work. You parent all the limbs to the central core node of the character, then when you move them the limbs will stay in relation to the body. Not perfect, but it works for now.
  • 1: Press Escape & choose the option 'Edit Scene" to get the options to add characters & move them around & such. You can edit other users scenes at first to help you get used to things. 2: Press Tab to activate WASD camera mode. There s…
  • @TheUnsaid I do realize that comment sections *do* have some positive values, I guess I was just being a bit of a Devils Advocate, and airing some of the personal peeves that I have with open comment sections. In my other post I even gave …
  • I agree that eventually this game will need a little tweaking or fleshing out of the rating system & other community features. What I definitely do *not* feel that is needed at all is a commenting feature. For one thing, a 5 star or similar rat…
  • This sort of thing seems to happen when you adjust the Transformation sliders too extremely (And probably when you don't touch those sliders, but just have the character at a weird angle or something). I would say try changing the transformation sl…
  • If you haven't tried messing with some of the new sliders & things that were added that could be affecting an older scene strangely (Mate humping slider for example) then I suggest trying that first. Plenty of the newer features/changes could ha…