I believe oculus runtime 1.0 SDK is not yet available for everyone. VorpX devs say so on their webpage. So unless I am wrong, we will have to wait for the oculus consumer version SDK.
Camera tilt/roll option? In the position editor? Uhm, I don't think that would be useful, I dont think users would find it useful.
In short for what you mentioned I find two situations:
1st Situation: Standing/non-laying positions where the camera …
Great representation, and yes thats exactly what I meant. Again what i suggest is testing it in both modes: Look at the room and the environment and check if it looks comfortable in both. Perhaps what i mention is not worth it.... but perhaps it is.…
Thank you for answering.
About this fact being a preference issue, I believe you havent understood me. The feeling of being in a room tilted or rotated is a very uncomfortable experience. In VR, anything that changes from reality might feel uncomfo…
Tested it on the dk2. Windows 10.
Worked using the method said above (only got a couple scenes working, all the rest crashed. Using the POV its some quite an impressive experience).
BUT: Oculus consumer version is here, with their SDK 1.0. None of …