I heard of this amazing project a while ago, but only now found the time to actually check it out. Phenomenal work: No doubt this is the most advanced simulator of its kind to date, at least to my knowledge. Can't wait to see what the team has in store next

I decided to start with a basic question and / or request for the team, which will hopefully turn out to be a very simple one: Could you please also compile a native version for Linux? As far as I'm aware, the Unity engine should allow this by default.
So far I have no issues running Yiffalicious on my openSUSE Tumbleweed machine via WINE, and even get shockingly great performance with everything set to max! However Wine is known to break at times, especially when it comes to using the right libraries for everything. A native version might be even faster, more stable, and guaranteed to work for us Linux users long term. Thank you.
YL2 is a very complex project that uses technology that may require specific implementations in other OS. Atm we're focused solely on getting a build out that works on Windows.
my PC is getting old and I'd much less use the power of my MacBook to run FVNE