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Next release?

Not sure where there's info to be found about the progress so I'm just gonna ask out here. What's the next public release so I can has my dragon waifu? 


  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited September 2016
    it's been mentioned before that public builds are normally the 5th build in, and each incremental build is roughly a month apart:

    and a rough history of schedules is noted here:

    6.0 just came out last month, if the pattern continues it could be a few more months before 6.5.

  • edited 5:10AM
    Also, you can check the roadmap here:
  • edited September 2016
    The development achieved critical and difficult phase, and developers can not always deal with it. They also have family, work,  and they need to rest too.  I think this year will no longer be public release. Patience, don't urge them :smile: 
  • edited 5:10AM
    No, we must drive them forward with whip and spurs!!! XD
    Nah, kidding :) It is important that you do it at your own pace, as not to burn out.
  • edited 5:10AM
    And last but not least, if you can't really wait, you can just pay $12 and get the most cutting edge version.
  • OMG! 1266 patrons! :o The dragon and border collie characters was a good choice. :)
  • edited 5:10AM
    @odes and @Dogson Can you soon quite your day jobs and do this full time?
  • edited 5:10AM
    These are just guesses, but if on average each Patreon pays 6$, you have a yearly income of 43200$?
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 5:10AM
    We quit our day jobs long ago @DrunkDragon.

  • edited 5:10AM
    odes said: We quit our day jobs long ago
    I'm genuinely curious what your old jobs were!
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited September 2016
    usicco said: I'm genuinely curious what your old jobs were!
    Well, I won't speak for dogson because I don't know how he feels about me revealing things about him like that. I'll leave that up to him.

    As for me... I used to work as a web/app developer. This whole Yiffalicious thing was something I did on my spare time. I started working on it lightly during the spring (2014), although the game I originally had intended was something completely different. By autumn, I was basically working on it every evening, weekend and holiday, and this continued for more than 6 months. As you might imagine, by the time we finally launched the app, I was kinda burnt out. There was no way I could continue working on my day job and keep up with the app at the same time, so I had to make a choice. It was scary, because when we launched the app, the revenue didn't pick up quite as fast as I had hoped, and I didn't know if the campaign was going to be a success or not. So I worked as hard as I could over the summer, using up all my semester and sick leave to focus entirely on the game. This was the most crucial time for the project, because if we hadn't managed to attract enough patrons I would have to go back to my day job and significantly reduce the time spent on Yiffalicious.

    Luckily, the campaign was a success (eventually), and I felt confident I could continue doing this and still pay my bills. So I quit my day job, and have been doing this ever since.
  • DogsonDogson Administrator
    edited 5:10AM
    Well, there's nothing much interesting, really, about me.

    I worked various jobs before I got a job in advertisement when I was studying Graphics design when I went to a rather faceless, boring college in north of Sweden (Nydalahöjd represent yo)

    I worked as a fisherman for one summer on the south east coast, that was interesting and I was almost on the verge of going in as an apprentice for an old farrier at one point but we never got that far because of his pancreas cancer, that was a sad conclusion, because I really liked that lifestyle of work.

    But other then that, various jobs as a designer for advert, some posters and stuff like that, never finished my BA because a friend had started a small company with a lot of connections and wanted me on board, I might return some day to finish it off but right about now I really don't want anything to do with college because I was damn sick of it even when I was studying.  

    Later got a job as a teacher in Photoshop and Illustrator. Then in late December of 2014 Odes contacted me since he saw some 3d stuff I've played around with.

    And the rest is history. 
  • edited 5:10AM
    odes said: although the game I originally had intended was something completely different.
    If you're talking about the lugia game, I definitely spent a large sum of hours playing with that.

    Thanks for the insight from both of you  :)
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited September 2016
    usicco said: If you're talking about the lugia game, I definitely spent a large sum of hours playing with that.
    Well, no, that was another project entirely. Yiffalicious has always been its own project so to speak, but its direction and goal have shifted during the development.

    usicco said: Thanks for the insight from both of you
    You're welcome!
  • edited 5:10AM
    It's so nice of you both to share and show a bit who you are :)
  • edited 5:10AM
    @odes ;Sorry to keep the thread derailed, but... can you tell us what was your initial idea with Yiffalicious and why you changed it to what it's today?
  • edited September 2016

    Horsie said: @odes ;;Sorry to keep the thread derailed, but... can you tell us what was your initial idea with Yiffalicious and why you changed it to what it's today?
    I guess I know, but I hope I'm wrong...

  • odesodes Administrator
    edited September 2016
    Horsie said: can you tell us what was your initial idea with Yiffalicious and why you changed it to what it's today?
    This was around the time Dark Souls II was popular, and I was very inspired by it. I wanted to create a DS inspired furry adventure game, with elements of sex. As a matter of fact, the project name is still simply called "adventure".

    Anyway, each time I revised the idea of what the game should be, I cut down on the advanture stuff, and eventually there was nothing left but the sex things. And even that changed a lot too. At first I was thinking of creating a couple of predefined poses, set up in 3D software. But all that changed into the yiff editor you see today.
  • edited September 2016
    odes said: I wanted to create a DS inspired furry adventure game
    That sounds so ambitious compared to yiffalicious. I'd say making it a porn game made more sense in the end, and I certainly appreciate that you did.

    ... However... I wouldn't mind a story mode in yiffalicious. Give players a short paragraph and an objective to create an interaction that matches the story as much as possible. I know THAT would just make the game much more complicated though.
  • edited 5:10AM
    @odes thanks for sharing the backstory, I love knowing the behind the scenes of games.

  • edited 5:10AM
    usicco said: . However... I wouldn't mind a story mode in yiffalicious. Give players a short paragraph and an objective to create an interaction that matches the story as much as possible. I know THAT would just make the game much more complicated though.
    Daily quests for players like "Fucked 10 rabbits, do double penetration, etc." xD

    awards system in the form of the possibility of increasing the genitals of the selected character.

    The mini-games in which you need to create a pose in silhouette in the picture xD
  • edited 5:10AM
    Build a pose entirely in a pov mode
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