I downloaded 0.6.4 and opened one of the interactions I started making in 0.5.4. Most everything still works except for the positioning of the cat's arms - they're spazzing out and I can't get them to stop. It's hard to explain, so have a look for yourself.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/39zlrmx6mzefb53/dude%20no%20way.yiff?dl=0Sometimes it'll stop after certain parts of the animation play, but that also tends to throw off the position of the hands for some reason. It's not a big deal if the scene isn't salvageable, but I'm curious to see if anything can be done about it. Deleting the wrist and elbow anchors and doing them over again didn't seem to help, as they'd start doing it again when they approached the position I wanted. Has this come up before? Any suggestions?
Other than changing settings around, I don't think there would be any way to salvage much of it if it was a bug caused by incompatibility. I know it sucks to have to do something over after you feel like you've got it down perfectly, but it shouldn't be too hard to re-make almost the same thing from scratch. You might even end up accidentally making it better than the original if you re-do it.
if you put an extreme bend on any of the joints (to where the limbs bend back on themselves) there is some glitching:
if you move the cats hands up just a bit the glitching will stop:
also, with the level of parenting you have going on w/ the cat's hands, you might see them jump around when you start/stop the interaction until the issue mentioned in this other thread is taken care of http://forum.yiffalicious.com/discussion/665/maya-parenting-dont-work-after-start-stop-in-interaction
To solve this, first press F10 to stop drivers from performing. Then, unparent the elbows (or parent them to pelvis instead). Press F10 to enable drivers again.
Copy pasting this from another post:
What is a circular dependency?